DMSO Could Save Millions From Brain and Spinal Injury
Decennier av bevis visar att DMSO revolutionerar vården av många "icke behandlingsbara" cirkulations- och neurologiska tillstånd.
Originalartikel av MidWesternDoctor, 16 september 2024.
Först publicerad på författarens ...

The Death of the West - A Study in Strategic Decadence
A former advisor to tyhe president of the USA talks about the less known background of today's abortion industry, militant feminism, HBQT-movement, multi-culture fixation, racist- och facist marking and alleged hate spee ...

God's power and signs and wonders also today?
Bible speaks of God's "power" and many are wondering if we still today can
make use of the power of God in the same manner as in biblical times? Opinions on the power of God differ greatly. The interpretatio ...

RIL News and UK atheists in live blog-TV debate
In November 18, two biblebelieving Christians discussed faith the Bible and science with atheists in a UK live blogTV-show named The Magic Sandwich Show.
Participants in the Magic Sandwich Show which was held live on ...

I am free (Music)
A mighty song about the soul being set free.
The singer Lynda Randle sings 'I'm free' together with other well known american Christian singers in the TV serie "Home coming" by Gaither.(With Swedish subtext).

Psychotherapy kills - God's power gives life
"Psyching out the church" - new video article on how the psychotherapy which were founded by perverse men scared Christians to believe that they don't have the education needed for taking care of each other.
This art ...

Video article - Psychology Within the Church
Part one in a series of articles on the detrimental influence of psychology in the Christian church.
Note that the video does not concern all parts of psychology, instead it is directed primarily against psychoth ...

Psychology replaces Christian Faith in Crisis
The founders of psychology intentionally sought to undermine the Christian faith and the power of the gospel, and now therapists and medical invades also Christian people's lives in times of crisis .
Video a ...

Homosexuality, Romans 1 and the Death of a Nation
In Romans 1 it is made absolutely clear that the sin of homosexuality is the pinnacle of man’s rebellion against God.
By Bill Muehlenberg (in Swedish)There is hardly a more frightening and sobering passage in all of
Sc ...

Biblical doctrine about psyche and psychology
The Bible has something important to say about psychology and man's psyche, and even about God's own psyche.
In this article we highlight some texts in the Bible that talks about the human psyche, and some of the verses ...

Thou Shalt Judge
In numerous passages the Bible encourages believers to
judge, to test, to discern, to evaluate, to discriminate, and to
differentiate, but do we listen?Original article "Thou Shalt Judge" by Bill Muehlenberg, Culture ...

"Gruesome God" Impedes Healing after Serious Abuse
Child victims from physical and sexual
abuse committed by Christian adult men may start to associate God the
Father with a kind of "fatherly" mindset which manipulates, assaults
and batter children into total submissi ...

Hindu sacrifice rituals practiced in Swedish School
For years Hindu sacrifice rituals were practiced at Solängsskolan in Gävle, Sweden, the news paper Världen Idag reports.The students had to bring sacrifices to school where they were obliged to practice sacrifice rituals ...

Nya data avslöjar korruptionen bakom Covid-hanteringen
It's time for COVID accountability so this can never happen again
COVID-19 was arguably the worst public health disaster in history, and as more and more are now realizing, most of that could have been prevented if the ...