Publicerad: 2012-01-20
The founders of psychology intentionally sought to undermine the Christian faith and the power of the gospel, and now therapists and medical invades also Christian people's lives in times of crisis .
Video article - The article includes video clips which are important for understanding the the article text.
Therapists and drugs invades people's lives in times of crisis. Schoolchildren are already in the early school years sorted out and being ranked by various disturbances. Personal support, encouragement, and human relationships and faith in God is increasingly replaced by therapy methodologies and chemical preparations.
Those who perceive themselves as mentally impaired, or just a bit odd, are att risk of rapidly falling into a situation where the psyche or mental faculties are assessed by thought systems of questionable background.
It becomes increasingly difficult to maintain health and well being in a society high demands on performance. The space for people with varying degrees of spiritual maturity, temporary weakness or a bit deviating mental (psychological) properties are shrinking. Especially children are at risk of early stigmatization by psychological diagnoses.
More and more people begin to question whether there really is a basis for all the psychologizing of our time. Salomon Schulman writes in Expressen on January 13:th 2012:
- Parents must be watchful, I have seen for example B12-deficiency, goiter and gluten intolerance being misdiagnosed as ADHD. Many children feel very bad. Especially those who do not keep up with the demand-filled school.
Schulman concludes that many children end up in child psychiatry where they are often mistreated. He worked as a child psychiatrist in the 70's when family therapy was popular and there were several theories about who was actually sick. Speculative therapies often devalues ??and roughly marks those being in a weaker position in the therapeutic interaction.
Psychiatry and the therapeutic methods have long fought against low scientific status, and the fact that psychological diagnoses and descriptions are not based on scientific discoveries in the strict sense is raising more and more doubts.
Most labels on diseases and disorders are based on speculation about neurological explanations for certain behaviors. So-called neuropsychiatry have become more frequent and more and more literal-labels are invented about children's deviant behaviors. Children are being labeled "retarded" instead of considering the simple fact that children can have problems with their behavior before they have matured. It is not that children can't have a problem, but they are not necessarily "sick" because they have a problem.
A problem is that focus is on the behavior itself, while the causes of behavior remain unknown. And the causes can't be determined by tests in a reliable scientific way. In the following video several psychiatrists are interviewed about whether there is any biological and physical tests that can identify mental disorders so as to ensure that a diagnosis can be made on scientific grounds. They are also asked if they have ever cured a patient.
Hint: The video can be displayed as full screen:
In short, symptoms are treated without having secure methods to identify the causes..
If you cannot know if the real cause of a deviant behavior is a disease or biochemical failure, then the behavior cannot be interpreted as a sign of "disease". Yet such behavior is called "disorders" and is being labeled with disease names and disease codes. The codes are then used by the hospital administration as if they represented real diseases.
But the biochemical causes obviously have not been scientifically linked to the hundreds of "disturbances" which was invented in the recent decades. The causes are something other than biochemistry. Nevertheless, they treat unknown causes using medications (which is called chemical therapy). Psychotherapy are also often focusing on the unconscious, which in other contexts suggest that you are dealing with superstitions which cannot be controlled.
According to the Christian Bible however, our behavior is controlled by ourselves and not by chemicals. And this makes us accountable for our choices. The tendency from psychiatry to regard our behavior as controlled by biochemistry and the unconscious, causes many questions from both believers and unbelievers. Even many atheists devend man's freedom to make sensible decisions.
It is however self-contradictory to on one hand consider man being free to make decisions and accountable for his behavior, but on the other hand look for biochemical causes in cases when the behavior fails.
An atheist, professor of psychiatry tells us in the following short video about his views on why we should not uncritically rely on psychiatry's many and strange diagnoses. He is highly critical of modern psychiatry, which without any scientific basis stigmatizes people with diagnoses for behavior which only recently were not considered to be abnormal.
The video can be displayed at full screen:
Fierce and merciless criticism is directed against modern psychology from both believing and unbelieving psychiatrists and professors. They are among other things against that treatment is done with expensive and dangerous medications against biochemical reasons (ie diseases) which no one has been able to prove scientifically. Biochemical therapy (medication) then becomes mere poisoning instead.
The Swedish state's preparation for medical evaluations, SBU, is now trying slow down the accelerating number of diagnoses of children which now has started to rail. In Schulman's article examples are reported of how the diagnosis of ADHD is given without any safe criteria for assessment. There is also no diagnostic consensus in Sweden. Individual therapists perform evaluations based only on their own subective experience. And since the support from scientific testing i lacking they apply arbitrary subjective judgements .
It is against this background that ADHD diagnoses has increased so much in recent years. Schulman suggests that this increase is "explosive". The increase includes prescribing medical preparations with risky side effects. Behaviors that are called "disorders" can be completely normal behaviour regarding the person's maturity and life situation.
In addition to this is these drugs in turn causes abnormal behaviors, which is the only thing in the context that can be demonstrated scientifically. Psychiatric drugs is causing changes in mood and behavior which often end up with suicide.
Lack of attention, outbursts of anger and difficulty concentrating are labelled with the letters ADHD. Exhausted parents and teachers encounter these problems daily. Schulman describes the distinguishing letters as a "diagnostic class culture".
Children are no longer seen as individuals with personal needs, but as machines which stopped working normally. The following videos may encourage the re-examination of psychiatry's narrow-minded way of looking at and stigmatize children during their most sensitive period of maturation.
We strongly recommend viewing this clip on full screen:
Schulman writes about the skewness and the one-sided and uncritical approach to modern psychology in our time:
The approach is outrageous. Gone are all humility about children's abilities, their dreams or imagination. Instead they are referred to as depressed or sometimes bipolar if they are sad and defeatist. If they're [angry at] the world's injustice and becomes "impulsive" they are ranked by neuro-psychiatry.
Schulman is disappointed that so few are listening to the suffering of the children and says that they are " observed instead . And kept in line with psychiatric drugs ."
One common cause of bad behavior in children and young people which appear to be overlooked, is immaturity and lack of mature adult role models. Mature models have the responsibility of helping children and young people to make it through the maturation stages which mold children into independent personalities as adults.
But instead of maturing many sensitive minds are anaesthetised and become desensitized due to the medication mist in their minds. But then they are no longer fully accessible to external positive environmental influences. And due to lack of personal development, they become rather dependent, self-centered and dependent on drugs and / or therapeutic psycho-babble. Some get stuck in a treadmill of treatment measures which in the strict sense never "cures" anyone, and therefore it tends to procrastinate or never end.
Children from families with drug addiction and sexual abuse constitute a risk group for bad behavior. However, it is not unusual for children who had a hard time to mature more and earlier than their peers precisely because of the difficulties.
Abnormal behaviors may also be affected by physical illness. Among other things, vitamin B12 deficiency, goiter, and celiac disease is considered to influence behavior. However, no blood tests or diagnostic imaging can demonstrate ADHD.
However, SBU has woken up, albeit late, and they are now warning of arbitrary diagnosises. Although drug treatments begin to become increasingly questioned because chemicals cannot on a scientific basis correct any biochemical reason that no one could detect.
Children and adults should therefore get used to relate critically to modern psychiatry. And in particular, Christians should reflect on what and to whom they turn when life seems hard and filled with difficulties.
Before the modern psychology was founded by atheists like Sigmund Freud and occult ceremony masters such as Carl Jung, Christians turned to God and relied on the power of the gospel of God. The Gospel was considered to possess the necessary power to establish a fallen man and give him comfort, peace and strength for the soul (soul is the same as "psuche" ie psyche, in the original text ).
Psychiatry's inability to cure or even diagnose real problems thus also exclude the possibility for real solutions. It's like an illusion but has still managed to divert many Christians' attention and trust away from God and to man's own speculative thoughts about how we function and how to find remedy.
More articles on the subject are planned but already we urge parents to keep children out of child psychiatry's letter games. Attention and good role models can not be replaced by chemical drugs or therapies that makes people introspective and self-centered.
And especially Christians should carefully think through what it means that man's Creator and Redeemer claim to have the power and the solutions to man's (mental) problems with the soul. Not all realize that Jesus is said in the Bible to be "the Shepherd and Bishop of your psyches (souls)." ( 1 Peter 2:25).
We also recommend thoughtful reading of the list of Bible verses that deals with psyche, in the Rilpedia artikle "Psyche (Bible)" where the word for "soul" is highlighted in bold in verse texts.
Rolf Lampa
Mer läsning:
List of bible verses about psyche - Rilpedia
Letter trend dangerous to children - Expressen