RIL News

About us

RIL News - on a Biblically faithful basis.

RIL News wants to be a Nordic Christian resource, a Biblically faithful and politically independent source of inspiration on the net, and not particularly politically correct at all.

RIL News opposes secular "democratic stealth religion" - ie the spiritual and moral values are not voluntary personal choices, but instead redefined by secular politicians to "mandatory rights" (ie obligations under duress) in social policy.

Terms for membership

GeneralMembership at RIL News is not a right, it's a benefit. Registering allows the opportunity to post comments to some articles on RIL News. When commenting, please try to keep a sober and friendly tone, in addi ...

RIL Group

Several related sites exist with the purpose of encouragng and supporting young Christians to boldly believe in the message of the Bible and its historical trustworthiness. Most siste sites are still under construction ...